The Perfect Platform
for Your Cloud-Native Backend

DBOS Cloud is a seriously fast serverless platform for TypeScript back ends.
Deploy with a click, scale to millions, resiliently.
Use DBOS Cloud for free

A New Serverless Experience

Based on years of joint MIT-Stanford R&D, DBOS Cloud is a revolutionary step beyond existing serverless computing platforms.

DBOS Cloud
AWS Lambda
Auto-scaling serverless computing
Reliable workflows
Stateful by default
Observable by default
Time-travel debugging
DBOS Cloud system architecture

Works with Your Favorite Tools

DBOS runs on AWS. AWS Lambda alternative
Exactly-once Kafka processing
DBOS emits OpenTelemetry

“With DBOS, developers can build applications in days that now take months on conventional cloud platforms.”

Matei Zaharia DBOS co-founder

Matei Zaharia

Co-Founder of Databricks,
DBOS Founding Advisor

Why Run on the DBOS Cloud?

DBOS enables stateful serverless computing, making it easier to build, scale, and secure TypeScript applications that are resilient to failure.

Mike Stonebraker talk on DBOS

Webcast On-Demand:

DBOS co-founder, Dr. Mike Stonebraker explains how advances in cloud application architecture increase software productivity 10x.

AWS Lambda alternative

25x Faster than AWS Lambda & Step Functions

Learn how DBOS Cloud out-performs AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions.

DBOS Cloud architecture

A New Serverless Platform Architecture

Learn how the open source DBOS Transact framework simplifies resilient TypeScript app development.

© DBOS, Inc. 2024